
  • pdcahome wrote a new post 7 years, 8 months ago

    Recently my company has been certified in ISO 9001, that Standard that says that a company is as ineffective in its processes, and it is wonderful in the news of internal communication, in some association of […]

  • pdcahome wrote a new post 7 years, 8 months ago

    Blueprinting is a methodology that is based on analyzing, visualizing and presenting a map of services. It serves to see the evolution of a process or the provision of services through a flow chart.
    As a final […]

  • pdcahome wrote a new post 7 years, 8 months ago

    Today we will try to give a small guide to the development of Value Chain Mapping, Value Stream Mapping or VSM within our organizations. The philosophy of this technique is to analyze the process in detail to […]

  • pdcahome wrote a new post 7 years, 8 months ago

    All the companies are of the sector that is, count on commercial, productive, economic objectives, etc … according to the demand of the needs these are covered with internal or external resources. Having said […]

  • pdcahome wrote a new post 7 years, 8 months ago

    It emerges as a project management methodology, helping guide these and focusing on a creative design by creating a canvas project to work on. In this way Canvas allows us to draw as our project would be in a […]

  • pdcahome wrote a new post 7 years, 8 months ago

    We are in an absolute spiral of new technologies, the world evolves to bring people away, to improve communications between people, videoconferences, chats of all kinds, search engines. We are talking about […]

  • pdcahome wrote a new post 9 years, 1 month ago

    ThumbnailFor Everyone knows that the customer is at the heart of the organization, product or service we provide revolves around him and the satisfaction that has this of our business, there are many indicators that help […]

  • pdcahome wrote a new post 9 years, 1 month ago

    ThumbnailMuch is said about the customer experience in enterprise environments, but ¿really good management of this new power to improve the relationship with the client is seeking?, Companies do their work in the best of […]

  • ThumbnailThe word “Kanban” refers to the labels that are put in the products to identify them during the manufacturing processes and during its transportation; however Kanban metogology includes much more concepts that we […]

  • ThumbnailWhat is a checklist?
    Checklists, Control Lists or Verification Lists are formats designed to perform repetitive activities, to verify a list of requirements or to collect data in an orderly and systematic manner. […]

  • pdcahome wrote a new post 11 years ago

    ThumbnailServqual model developed by Zeithaml, Parasuraman & Berry in the 80s comes as a facilitator to measure, evaluate and manage quality analysis of services and has also been named as a method of analysis of the […]

  • pdcahome wrote a new post 11 years ago

    ThumbnailThe McKinsey 7S is a model that identifies the seven basic factors which have to be present in any organization.

    This methodology is used to check if the implementation of the company strategy is consistent […]

  • pdcahome wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago

    ThumbnailWelcome to our new website in English!

    https://www.pdcahome.com/english is the English translation of pdcahome.com, the Spaniard website about management, quality and other specific topics for people and […]

  • pdcahome wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago

    ThumbnailWhat is Poka Yoke?
    Poka-Yoke is a methodology created in Japan which means “fool-proof”. It’s purpose is to prevent or avoid mistakes that can be caused by humans or by machines during their activities. Poka Yoke […]

  • pdcahome wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago

    ThumbnailHaving defined an appropriate policy is essential for the correct operation of the organizations. Furthermore, it is a required document to implement some standards such as ISO9001 and ISO14001. That is why, in […]

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  • pdcahome wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago

    ThumbnailThe Gantt Chart is the most widely method used in business planning of activities on all kinds of projects, besides it can also be used to plan any type of activity over time.

    The method consists in a […]

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  • pdcahome wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago

    ThumbnailThe Quality Function Deployment, also called The House of Quality,  is a methodology used in designing and quality engineering to create products that suit the desires and needs of the client/customer of them. […]

  • pdcahome changed their profile picture 11 years, 1 month ago

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