Digital transformation, what are our customers looking for?

We are in an absolute spiral of new technologies, the world evolves to bring people away, to improve communications between people, videoconferences, chats of all kinds, search engines. We are talking about Generation X, Generation Y and some Millenials (which sounds very futuristic) … in short, different people with different attitudes towards companies.
These are the ones that have to adapt their way of contacting the customer to provide a better service and stay on the crest of the wave. Everything happens in the end to digitize its customers, which has been the happy Digital Transformation, that paradigm that will change the world to make it better, that is why companies are passing large, medium, SMEs; Young entrepreneurs who directly generate a digital business with a customer service based on RRSS or digital platforms, we could talk about Entrepreuners for Milenials and that your Community Manager manages order, your claim … sounds cool.

Basically, and from personal experience the customer service leaves a lot to be desired. However, they are companies focused on the sale and if the customer has some problem “that he will manage”. I am not talking about the giant Amazon, where it provides a service of the highest quality and with the investment that can make it can be a benchmark in terms of customer service.
Returning to communication with customers, what do they want ?, simple, that their concerns are heard, as easy as that. And this said not all companies have so easy to afford to adapt to new times, to enter into the paradigm of change, to be digital.
And then, why a company happens to be digital ?, the first step is for your customers to know what exists in the digital world of that company, to be known in that area and to provide a service where the customer understands what he is doing. I explained, those millenials will know perfectly how to perform actions with your company because they are perfectly familiarized with that environment in other companies, but not all of your customers, not so, some (quite possibly a majority need help), that’s where it comes into play The genius of companies, digital processes understandable by all, global digitization. As we improve processes so our customers have to wait less, have exact answers, get what they are looking for, this is exactly the same, global digitization.
And here it is that the real change is created, that digital is not for a few, but for a few, accessibility but with a usability within the reach of the X, Y … Z.

We think of the big one when it comes to developing technology but, exactly for whom? Those millenials are not going to make your ROI in technology investment look green at the end of the year. Let’s think big about the usability of technology, let’s make that technology available to everyone that makes a company really stand out and stand out in its service and Self Service, which began a few years ago, and have written a good stack of books On the world of Self Service, next to the space race is a joke.
By making an analogy to the space race, when a customer puts the first foot on our website, what do you expect to see ?, What do you expect to be able to do? Will you understand what you are doing?, thinks as a customer, when you call the phone what you hear is “perfect, Sr XX we have successfully processed your management, need to perform another? “, What gives the customer peace of mind is to hear those sweet words -” processed successfully “, the security that he has asked for has been done, who have paid attention to him.

So if we want to transform our customers into more “dinosaurs” and send them into the digital age, we have to go through a process of knowledge and understanding of our customers. Facilitate technology but with common sense, generate usability.

I would define this article in three words: accessible, usable and simple.
That the customer feels clothed, replacing the sound of the other person on the phone for a colder (digital) world is difficult, so the transition must be done in a warm and welcoming. Our customers are the first ones who want to save those unnecessary calls, which as my grandmother said “that this runs and then comes the bill”

Let’s be digital, Yes, and let’s still be universal.